Become a Contributor
Being a contributor gives you exciting benefits!
The community's true driving force comes from the authentic feedback and positive passions. We, Metalympics, have looked closely into the community and saw your contributions to help us and others to improve.
We want to listen to the feedback directly from the community and provide you more joyful experiences.
As a contributor, you will be able to:
receive exclusive updates from Metalympics in advance.
join beta testings of future game experiences by Metalympics and the partners.
have the right to manage the Discord channels to encourage a better chat culture.
participate in a community of the true enthusiasts.
More benefits and rewards will be discussed.
Your inactivity may cause the loss of your role without prior notice. The right for the final decision to cancel your role is on Metalympics.
As a contributor, to keep the status and receive the aforementioned benefits, you are highly expected to:
constantly monitor the community and report misbehaviors.
actively participate in the beta testing and report bugs.
try your best to answer inquiries of the community members.
keep all the discussions and updates provided for you confidential.
provide feedback about the rules and the games.
How to become a Contributor
Actively Involve in the community
As some of you may already know, the leaders of Metalympics are very active in the Discord channel. They check and remember who are the most active users that provide positive and constructive feedback and opinions to the others.
In addition, if our Contributors locate any such users, the referrals may be sent to the Admins, and they will go through a review process.
Once the users are checked, the private invitation will be sent to be invited to the exclusive channel for the Contributors.
We intentionally do not impose any quantitative standards to recruit the contributors as it may encourage the use of bots. However, users are all observed and constantly checked by the Admins even now.
Last updated